What started as a fascination with offset printing and the use of screentones in comic books, this series of digital overprints manifested into a desire to achieve a higher quality of control and color using a CMYK Printer. A system of overprinting was developed where solid colors and gradients would be printed first using CMYK halftones, then solid black screen-tones would be printed on top as the paper was fed through the printer a second time.

With the aid of a magnifying loupe, a relative scale was first established when creating the screentones. Dots that were too small tended to make the image appear muddy, and the consistency of dot spacing between value shifts was very important. As screentones are essentially repeated patterns, various types and styles were experimented with.

After the creation of the screentone indexes, a simple digital color system was then developed. 42 solid values were selected which would produce 252 tones when the screentone patterns were printed on top of them.